Lab Group
Lab Group -- Quick Access:
The Code of Conduct for all visitors and members of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory community.
We aim to maintain a healthy, respectful, and comfortable lab group for everyone who passes through.
When writing proposals, it is essential to consider all implications of the proposed research.
Resources to report complaints for Columbia and LDEO community members.
Join the Polar Geophysics Group Slack Channel
Access Lamont Glaciology git repositories.
Join CryoList - an email distribution list for those interested in snow, ice, and all things frozen.
Major publication access via Columbia University Library system. Off campus access can be obtained through the Columbia VPN or this link.
Get your Columbia University ID card.
Local housing in NYC and Piermont
[Required: UNI Login]
Resources for international students and researchers
Let LDEO know about your upcoming publications and articles.
Helpful conversions, tips, and tricks when processing polar data
Information regarding reimbursement via CONCUR
Available outreach programs at Lamont and PGG/LGG
Join the Earth Sciences Job Announcement Email List, sponsored by the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN).
Fieldwork -- Quick Access:
Airborne research has its own risks and rewards. This safety plan specifically addresses all aspects of airborne fieldwork. It is not rigid, and is reviewed each field season.
Fieldwork is a difficult and enriching experience. In order to keep everyone safe and comfortable, we have developed and compiled this policy for PGG fieldwork. It is not rigid, and is reviewed each field season.
Inspired by exit interviews, this anonymous Post-Fieldwork Survey aims to improve fieldwork policy and quality of life for all who deploy to the field with PGG.
Suggested resources to equip for cold weather fieldwork.
Software -- Quick Access:
LDEO IT provides campus-wide licenses and software. Download things like: Malwarebytes, MatLab, ArcGIS, Crashplan Code 42, etc.
CU-IT provides institutional licensing and free, or discounted, software downloads. Purchase and/or download things like: MatLab, Microsoft Office, Parallels, etc.
Download ArcGIS software and campus-wide license. Also access CIESIN online GIS training.
Use the Lamont FTP Server to share large files internally and externally.
Download the VPN client to use the Lamont VPN with your LDEO email login.
Download the VPN client to use the Columbia University VPN with your UNI login.
Lamont Life
On Campus -- Quick Access:
Check out the daily menu, and order food online! Now takes Credit Cards!
Shuttle schedule, bus tracking, and more!
Temporary and long-term parking at Lamont
Tips and tricks for cycling between home and Lamont
Join the Marine Geology & Geophysics Division Slack Channel
Join the Lamont Slack Channel
Join The Earth Institute Slack Channel
Both PGG and Lamont have a plethora of social gatherings on campus
Info about printers/copiers in Oceanography 106A
[Required: UNI Login]
Use the plotter in Seismology to print posters and other large images
Locations of available showers on campus
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Oceanography can get cold during the winter. If you feel comfortable, ask any of your colleagues if they have a spare. Or ask Buildings and Grounds.
No, but the cafeteria makes incredible food for a great price. You can now order food online and pay with a credit card. If you need cash, an ATM is in the "back" of the cafeteria.
New York Life
New York City Life -- Quick Access:
A Lab Group curated map of great spots for coffee, food, or groceries within the immediate CU area of uptown Manhattan. For Columbia's curated list, click here.
A Lab Group curated map of food, drinks, and dessert around NYC. Use it as a jumping off point, and then add spots when you find them!
All residents (regardless of immigration status) are eligible to apply for a NYC ID, which helps access some local benefits (i.e. free museum admission).
Helpful links and Apps for NYC transit. Now accepting Tap-to-Pay!
Tips and tricks to owning a car in
The Big Apple
TKTS Booths are great spots to snag Broadway and other theater tickets at a discounted price.
All New York residents (regardless of immigration status) may obtain a free library card to access free physical and digital resources, and more.
All New York Public Library (NYPL) cardholders receive free admission to dozens of cultural institutions.
General information about paying taxes in New York City and New York State
Pro. Development
Professional Development -- Quick Access:
Columbia University gives access to Linked-In Learning online courses.
(Formerly known as
Columbia University's academic license includes MatLab courses. Use your UNI email and create a free Mathworks account for access.
The Office for Postdoctoral Affairs has plenty of resources for postdocs
The Columbia ELM provides training required for your specific roles and responsibilities at the University.